Hamas Keeps Winning and Israel Keeps Losing

6 months ago

Hamas has achieved a tactical victory over Israel. Its goal on October 7 was to free Palestinian hostages, by taking Israeli hostages and exchanging them. This plan has worked. Israel was unable to free a single hostage by force. In the end, Israel was forced to meet the Palestinians' demands.

Israel's stated goal was to destroy Hamas. Did Israel achieve this? No. They couldn't even harm or disable any of Hamas' infrastructure.

Israel said they want to launch a full ground invasion against Gaza. They did, multiple times. And failed. All they did was capture small, limited areas.

Israel's other stated goals included the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza, by terrorizing them and pushing them into the Sinai desert. Israel killed thousands of people, but couldn't force Palestinians out despite all the hardships imposed on them.

On the battlefield, Hamas have filmed themselves running up behind Israeli tanks, taking out the trophy system, then hitting them with RPGs. They publish videos of this daily. Israel have published no videos or combat footage, because it's embarassing. There's nothing to show.
Israel are taking huge material losses. These very expensive tanks, have been taken out by small IEDs and rocket propelled grenades that cost a few hundred dollars to produce, while Isareli merkava tank costs $3.5m EACH.

From the first day-- October 7-- Hamas had won because they destroyed the myth of Israel being a military power or great army. Hamas executed a perfectly planned operation, and exposed the Israelis as being unprepared, underwhelming, and their performance was a scandalous military and intelligence failure.

The Israeli economy has taken a huge hit as a result of the war. Agriculture, industry, services, have all been impaired. The war is costing Israel $600 million per week, as 18% of the Israeli workforce are not at working
Internally displaced settlers causing internal pressure for the Israelis, politically and economically
The Israeli settlers evacuated from the north and the south will likely never return to their homes, and you have 200-300,000 Israeli settlers that have left Israel alltogether. This is again to the advantage of the Palestinian resistance whose goal is to liberate all of Palestine.
Israeli settlers got a taste of their own medicine, of what it feels like to be pushed out of your own homes.

Israel has been trying to build up its image and work on PR for the last 75 years -- all of that went down the drain in the last 6 weeks. Israel have no more credibility because they lied about al Shifa hospital, they lied about these beheaded babies, and many
They tried to destroy Hamas image from the beginning. We found out that a lot of these claims they made on October 7 turned out to be untrue.
People saw how Hamas treated the Israeli hostages very humanely, hence Israel's ban on freed hostages doing any interviews.
Israeli hostages waved goodbye to their Hamas captors, left them thank you letters, whereas the Israelis raided the houses of the released hostages, attacked people outside the prisons who were just waiting to welcome the released prisoners
Operation al Aqsa flood brought the Palestinian cause back to the forefront of world politics, and put the spotlight on their 75-year struggle. It has increased awareness and sympathy for the Palestinian cause all over the world, and negatively impacted public perception of Israel.
The Israelis not only failed to achieve a single military objective, they humiliated themselves, and hurt their own reputation by committing a genocide, thereby exposing their brutality and inhumanity for the world to see.

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Richard Medhurst is an independent journalist specialized in international relations, US politics, and the Middle East. His coverage and commentary on the Ukraine and Syria wars, as well as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, is extensive. He is one of few journalists to have executed on the ground coverage of the Iran Nuclear Deal and Julian Assange's extradition hearing at the Old Bailey.

Richard Medhurst speaks four languages: English, French, Arabic and German. He completed his secondary education entirely in French, and has lived in Pakistan, Switzerland, Austria, and Syria. He previously hosted his own television program, The Communiqué, on Press TV, and has contributed to Black Agenda Report, RT, Al Mayadeen, and appeared on numerous outlets such as The Times Radio, LBC Radio, RT, The Canary, and Glenn Greenwald's System Update.

Medhurst has over half a million subscribers online. You can follow his Twitter here: https://twitter.com/richimedhurst

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Previous guests on his program include the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, the Russian, Cuban and Palestinian Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, and many more.

#RichardMedhurst #Medhurst #Hamas #Israel #Gaza #Truce #Ceasefire #HostageExchange

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